Slow Cooker Baked Sweet Potatoes or Beets

What a terribly boring photograph, but this was a tricky photo to make pretty!

Call me lazy, but I don’t care. I totally bake sweet potatoes and beets in my slow cooker.

Whenever I need some sweet baked potatoes in my life I wrap about 3 – 5 (depending on their size) in foil. I place them in my slow cooker and cook on LOW for 8 hours (if you’re in a rush you can always cook on HIGH for 4 hours). When the slow cooker beeps…I’ve got warm, yummy baked potatoes ready to go for breakfast, dinner, or even the baby.

Once cooled, the skins of the potato should tear right off.


For beets, just scrub them really well with a veggie brush and pat dry. Place them individually into piece of foil, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and sea salt/pepper, them wrap them completely with foil. Place at bottom of slow cooker (seam side up) and cook on HIGH for 3 – 4 hours, or until you can easily piece center.

Remove from slow cooker and open foil to allow steam to escape. Once cooled, skins should peel right off. Don’t make the same mistake I have time and time again, handle your beets with gloves or use a pairing knife to remove the skins. Trust me, your stained fingers and nails will thank you. Cube beets and serve as you wish.


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