Speaking/Group Presentations

If you are part of a group that is interested in health and wellness, I can speak (in person or virtually) on a wide range of topics – all tailored to your group’s needs. I spent almost 15 years working as a Corporate Wellness Director, where I regularly presented seminars (and much more, you can read what I offer corporate wellness-wise here). In addition to being an experienced Toastmaster, my presentations are interactive and informative.

Topics include (but are not limited to):

Balancing Thyroid Function

Boosting Your Immune System

Decoding Nutrition Labels

Empower Your Breast Health

Heart-Healthy Living

Meal Planning Basics

Nourishing for Two – Preconception/Prenatal/Postpartum Nutrition

Optimizing Digestive Wellness

Strong Bones for Life

Supporting Immunity

The Sweet Truth About Sugar

…and many more!

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