There is a blurb in Food Rules by Michael Pollen where he said, “Eat all thhe junk food you want as long as you cook it yourself.” I love this and abide by it a good 95% of the time. So, remember those decadent fudgsicles you enjoyed as a kid? Can you imagine what the heck were in those things to make them so dang good? Lots of nonsense but think no more, because here they are again – made over in a quick and healthier fashion.
Chocolate Hazelnut Popsicles
2 bananas
1 “sippy” carton of unsweetened coconut milk
1 tablespoon cocoa (or raw cacao) powder
1 small pouch of Justin’s Chocolate Hazelnut Butter
1/2 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
pinch of sea salt
Blend all ingredients until super smooth. Pour into BPA-free plastic popsicle molds (or small paper cups), leaving a bit of room at the top, and freeze for fudgsicles. (If using paper cups, put a wooden popsicle stick into each cup.) If any is left over in your blender, enjoy it right then and there!
Notes: I love keeping a pack of unsweetened coconut milk “sippy” cartons in my cupboard for recipes like this, or for baking/adding to sauces in small quantities. Even better, next time you crack open a can of full fat coconut milk, pour remainder into an ice cube tray and use as needed.