Finding balance isn’t easy for any of us. It’s something that we all have to constantly work at. When I find that my body is out of balance causing my health to be off, I sit down and write what I know I need to do to better it. Below is an example of what’s going on right now and what I need to do to get myself back on track:
Dear precious body of mine,
I am sorry for burning the candles at both ends these past few months and not feeding you with the proper food or nourishment you deserve. I intend to do the following to help nurse you back to balance:
1. To take some deep breaths and relax my shoulders each morning and throughout each day, whenever I have a moment of stress or anxiety.
2. To nourish you with warm, comforting herbal tea and home-cooked soups, healthy whole food meals and plenty of water.
3. To rest and take breaks more often. You work hard and deserve plenty of relaxation.
Thank you lovely body of mine!
Love always,
What would you write to your body right now so that you can begin to balance out what’s going on with your health?