How a Pediatric Chiropractor Can Help a Baby’s Digestion

Is your baby suffering from digestive discomfort?

Consider visiting a (pediatric) chiropractor.
I cannot emphasize this enough. My kinesiologist of many years insisted that I bring Hanley to him after he was born. Since I could barely walk after having him, it wasn’t until 2 weeks after giving birth that I was able to bring him. Needless to say, he was disappointed that I had not brought him sooner! He would have wanted to see him just days after being born to make the appropriate adjustments that a newborn needs. I knew that if Hanley showed any signs of digestive issues or recurring illnesses, we would be back for an adjustment. Luckily, due to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle at home, he has not had to see him yet. I strongly suggest seeing a pediatric chiropractor to have your little one looked at and adjusted. I have several holistic-minded friends that actually visit their chiropractor before calling their pediatrician because they’ve had so much success with them. If you’re in the Monmouth County area like we are, I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Kyle Klim of Integrative Wellness Group in Belmar. And trust me, a pediatric chiropractor is as gentle as can be with your baby!


This information is here to help support your along your child’s health journey and not to replace any medical advice or diagnosis. Be sure to keep in constant contact with your child’s pediatrician and most importantly trust your instincts as a parent. Know that I’m always here for further assistance. Wishing you and your child a happy and healthy gut!

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