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Lammer drinking his “Shake What Your Mama Gave You” before a late
morning surf session outside of our place in Nicaragua.
Before Lammer & I headed to the house we rented in Nicaragua for the week (this past spring), we loaded a cart full of delicious, ripe, colorful fruit and veggies. Thank heavens there was a blender where we were staying to blend cold shakes on the hot, hot days. This was one of the shakes Lammer threw together in between surf sessions. The beauty with shakes is that there is no right or wrong of whatever you’re putting in it (just be mindful of how much sugar is going into it). You can always taste test while throwing something together and add more of something when you need it. He used lots of already chopped up fruit just sitting in the fridge for this one. It came out so refreshing! Keep in mind, this shake is loaded with sugar…and I only splurged on it because we were on vacation. However, if he made this while at home, I would have froze them for smaller portions of ice pops! Moral of this blog post – experiment on your own!
juice of some oranges (slice in half and squeeze juice into blender)
apple (with skin)
ice cubes
Blend until smooth. Pour into glass and enjoy!
*Tip: If you end up making a little too much, freeze the rest in freezer pops for a yummy treat later!
Please note, this shake above is more of a refreshing and fun shake. If you needed to make more of a meal out of this, add some protein and healthy fat like hemp powder, a teaspoon of your favorite nut butter, or just nosh on a handful of nuts/seeds to compliment this drink. An easy way to add healthy fat to a shake (beyond the good fat from the nuts/seeds) is to add a 1/4-1/2 teaspoon coconut oil, a squirt of flax oil (or ground flax or chia seeds), or a sliver of some avocado. Remember, spirulina powder (blue green algae) is an excellent source of vegetable protein that may turn your shake green, but sure does vamp it up. Highly recommended!
Still at a loss for shake ideas? Check out IIN’s 47 Smoothies for Summer post (featuring another one of my shake recipes under “fortify” Lauren’s #1 Green Shake) for more healthy and delicious inspiration!