My never-ending quest for a natural deodorant is over.

I can remember being a teenager and reading about how dangerous the aluminum in my deodorant was and experimenting with natural alternatives. NONE of them worked try after try, so I just kept going back to my toxin of choice. My quest continued on and on unsuccessfully, year after year.

This past year I was determined to find one that worked for me. Lots of research, loads of cash, a few unsuccessful homemade recipes, a wicked rash and tons of frustration later I actually found one that works!!!


I’m sure you’re anxious to hear which one worked for me, right? But guess what, I’m not telling! If there’s anything I learned through this long, painstaking experience it’s that we’re all so different and the deodorant that works for me may not work for you and vice versa. So many people swear by “this” natural deodorant, but when I tried it I hated how damp my underarms were all day. Others swore by “that” deodorant but I was sticky and smelly halfway through the day on it.

So long, toxic Dove, I am so jazzed that I finally found a natural deodorant that keeps me dry and non-smelly each day, and I encourage you to continue your quest. There is a deodorant out there for you, I just know it!

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