School-Safe Energy Balls

Remember when I was one of the 3 Healthy Chicks and we used to sell our 3 Healthy Balls? If you do, you’re probably laughing thinking about them, but you also probably loved them! Well, my balls have changed since then (especially to make them nut-free) but they are still VERY tasty!!! Hanley & Heather just love their school-safe energy balls in their lunch boxes. I actually portion out the dry ingredients into sandwich sized Ziplocks so that throwing them together in a pinch is do-able during the busy school year. Balls of fiber and protein = thumbs up from kids!

Dry ingredients: 
1 cup organic quick oats
1 Tablespoon hempseeds
1 Tablespoon coconut flour
1 Tablespoon sunflower seeds (raw or toasted)
1 Tablespoon mini or regular chocolate chips
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Wet ingredients:
1/2 cup sunflower seed butter
1/4 cup maple syrup

Directions: Stir dry ingredients together in bowl. Then mix in wet ingredients. Clean your hands well, then keeping them wet, pick up about an inch of mixture and form/roll into a ball. Store in fridge or freezer. This recipe makes about 16 balls.

*If being nut-free doesn’t matter, feel free to experiment with other nut butters – they all work well with this recipe!

**Time saver: portion out the dry ingredients into labeled Ziplocks so that you can easily just add the wet ingredients another time when you quickly need more balls!

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