DIY Belly Balm

As my body changes throughout my pregnancy I’ve done everything possible to support the largest organ of my body – my SKIN!  FullSizeRender-2

1. I am sure to drink plenty of water each and every day to hydrate me from the inside out and enjoy healthy saturated fats from nature. If the cells of  our skin are dried out, the elasticity will be compromised. Water, healthy saturated fats from nature (healthy cholesterol) are all hydrating o a cellular level. Avocado, fish, coconut oil, dark chocolate and loads of grass fed butter are my favorites!

2. I love adding a tablespoon of collagen powder to my breakfast (either in my kefir, water, shake or tea), and then again to my nighttime cup of hot water/vitamin C mix before bed. I also am sure to consume mineral rich bone broth as often as possible to absorb collagen directly from food. Collagen makes up about 75% of the weight of our skin. It’s the most extensive structural protein in the body – it’s what cushions and strengthens our joints and what unites the cells in our organs and skin. Strong collagen is important both for beauty and functionality!

3. I try to dry brush my skin at least 3x per week. Dry brushing helps to prevent stretch marks by improving circulation to the skin and encouraging new skin cell growth. It also has the added benefit of detoxifying the lymph glands.  Other ways I like to increase circulation is with yoga, simple stretches throughout the day (such as ankle rolls, hip circles, squats) and by adding some spice to my food/drinks (cayenne pepper!!). Not sure how to dry brush?  Read my blog post on how to.

4. I use magnesium oil on my tummy. It’s a mineral that so many of us are deficient in and applying it topically is a really easy way for our skin to absorb it directly. It helps with morning sickness, may help with regularity, sore muscles and stretch marks!  I find that rubbing it on my belly is soothing, but applying it to other areas of your body is fine like the soles of the feet or sore shoulders.

5. I rub my homemade belly balm onto my tummy and other areas that I would rather not have stretch marks. There are a lot of cosmetics and skin care products out there that’s marketed to pregnant women that contain harmful ingredients for our skin, bodies and developing babies. No thanks, man. Not when it’s SUPER simple to mix together my own decadent body butter within 15-20 minutes that will last me from now until way after I’ve had my baby. It’s the same with food…making it yourself and knowing exactly what is going into it is always SO much better for you. Here is my simple recipe below for a thick and creamy belly balm for you and your growing belly to enjoy!

DIY Belly Balm

1/2 cup shea butter
2 tbls beeswax 
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/4 cup sweet almond oil
2 tsp vitamin E oil
10 drops lavender essential oil

1. Put shea butter, beeswax, and coconut oil in a small sauce pan. Stir continuously while heating over medium-low heat until ingredients are fully melted.
2. Remove from heat and add sweet almond oil, vitamin E oil, and lavender essential oil. Stir until completely incorporated.
3. Pour mixture into a container and let sit at room temperature for a bit until the balm goes from a liquid to soft, creamy texture.
4. Apply lovingly to your belly and/or any other parts of your body you’d like to prevent stretch marks.

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