How do you stay healthy?

I can confidently say that I’m the strongest & healthiest I’ve ever been in my life because I am committed to maintaining great overall health:
I eat loads of healthyfats.
I take cat-naps when I can.
I practice yoga everyday on and off the mat.
I say NO to things when I am busy or feeling overwhelmed.
I meditate a few minutes at some point of each day.
I do Purely Twins workouts on the regular because they are quick & kick my butt.
I limit my sugar intake.
I laugh a lot.
I’ve broken up with gluten. (Bastard!)
I have the best fitness trainer there is at Condition for Life, Mike Cassalle!
I am barefoot most of the time to stay grounded. 
I just eat real food and I love preparing it myself.
I take really good care of my teeth and mouth.
I start each day with hot H2o, lemon & cayenne pepper.
I spend time in the sunshine.
I listen to my body when it speaks to me (symptoms) and nourish it with what it needs.
I chant all day long.
I keep a positive attitude.
I surround myself with inspiring people…
…I can keep going! 
 All of this in some way helps in improving my overall health. 
 How do you stay healthy?

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